Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2010 NIT Final Four

Madison Square Garden, New York City


#3 Dayton vs. #2 Mississippi
#2 Rhode Island vs. #4 North Carolina

No number one seed advanced to the NIT Final Four. Illinois (Dayton), Arizona State (Mississippi), Virginia Tech (Rhode Island) & Mississippi State (North Carolina) all find themselves watching the NCAA, NIT & CBI Championships from the comfort of their dorm room.

This all begs the question; and no I'm not simple posting because I'm a Carolina "homer"; but who holds the rights to the NIT, and CBI for that matter? ESPN?

CBS currently holds the rights to the NCAA tournament. If any sort of expansion occurs, what will it do to the NIT, and/or CBI?

(My suggestion for NCAA expansion either drop the play-in game; or add a play-in game for each region. THAT is it.)

Regarding UNC, ... possible back-to-back "Championships" in Chapel Hill ...

Here's a nice article courtesy of USA Today,


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