Monday, September 21, 2009

THIS Sun., Sept. 27th, on WuW

Adam Lucas

Adam Lucas is the publisher of Tar Heel Monthly and Tar Heels Today and a featured columnist for He is the author of four books on Carolina basketball, plus the upcoming official story of the 2009 national championship team, One Fantastic Ride. His current project is the official 100 years of Carolina basketball book, which will be released in the fall of 2010

Coach Don Meyer

Don Meyer, Winner of Jimmy V Award 2009
Meyer timeline video


Anonymous said...

We don't care about North Carolina Basketball. How about some Vermont Basketball!!!

Jeff Fuller said...

Interesting you mention that. Adam Lucas covered UVM's game @ Chapel Hill. He loved Tom Brennan; of which, one can request copies of my interviews with Tom Brennan and current UVM men's basketball coach, Mike Lonergan.