Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thank you!

I'd like to take this opportunity and publicly communicate how appreciative I am to all of those who have agreed to appear on my Sun. night sports rant.

It is a tremendous joy to be introduced and share in the journey.

Whether local AD's like Sue Duprat (HU) and Tim Messier (LU) or Vermont high school coaches such as Dan Gandin (U-32) and Jay Ransom (Websterville Baptist) to UVM men's basketball head coach Mike Lonergan or Will Voigt of the Vermont Frost Heaves to MLB All-Star Ben Zobrist (Tampa Bay Rays), NBA veteran Jake Voskuhl, the radio voice of the Boston Red Sox Joe Castiglione or ESPN's Buster Olney and Jerry Crasnick ... it is a privilege to bring their story to the listeners of Radio Vermont.

I will continue my commitment to bring the most interesting of interviews to this sports show, a program from a fan for fans.

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